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Projects: Plotlands
Project by Shaun Badham
An extended interview with Deanna Walker re. the Dunton Plotlands (2020) "Caraboo Projects is a contemporary art organisation based in Bristol, founded in 2018 by a collective of artists & educators. We’re committed to developing an inclusive and collaborative platform, bringing together artists, curators and local members of the community, for experimentation, and the development of self-organised and cross disciplinary arts in Bristol."
Charles Leatherland - Lord Leatherland of Dunton Compiled by David Richards, Lord Leatherland's grandson An interesting site that describes the distinguished career of Charles Leatherland who lived at the Old Rectory, Dunton, while he was news editor of The Daily Herald, and who, at that time, was a leading member of the local community. Among his various activities, he was chairman of the Dunton Parish Invasion Committee in the 1940s, helping to organise local resources in response to a threatened Nazi invasion. He later went on to be awarded a life peerage for a lifetime of public service. Basildon: A History In Photographs Growing site devoted to all areas of Basildon with interesting information, maps, links and photographs as well as a useful message board. Information and photographs concerning the history of the area: Basildon Borough History A lively new site covering a growing number of aspects with links to various areas of interest.!plotlands/ctac The Essex Wildlife Trust Custodians of what remains of the former Dunton Plotlands and The Haven Plotlands Museum; information and events concerning the area and its wildlife. The History Press Publishers of a wide range of local interest books, including "Basildon Plotlands: the Londoners' Rural Retreat" by Deanna Walker.
Aerial views and street plans: |